Whistleblowing System

The whistleblowing system is as part of the Company’s code of ethics implementation. The Company believes the whistleblowing system will be able to create openness and transparency in carrying out the Company’s business activities.


The Company guarantees that all whistleblowing reports will be followed up by authorized unit, which is Internal Audit Unit. The Internal Audit Unit will conduct periodic checks on each whistleblowing report that might have negative impact on the Company.


Purpose of Whistleblowing System

The whistleblowing reporting system is with for following objectives:

  1. Creating a conducive working environment so that all employees can focus on working without threats or feelings of discomfort.
  2. Providing an internal mechanism to deal with violations in the Company both in terms of financial and non-financial.
  3. Encouraging all employees to avoid violating the Company regulations and prevailing laws and regulations.
  4. Implementing the principles of good corporate governance.
Protection for Reporters

The Company commits to provide protection for those who have reported suspected violations. The protection is given in the form of:

  1. Protect the confidentiality of the whistleblower’s identity which is only known by Internal Audit Unit.
  2. Protection of retaliation from suspected violators or other parties.
  3. Protection from threats and pressure on employee rights, lawsuits and physical actions.
Whistleblowing Handling Systems

All whistleblowing reports are submitted to Internal Audit Unit, the unit designated by the Company to receive and follow up whistleblowing report. Furthermore, Internal Audit Unit conducts inspections and studies which include analysis activities on the existence or absence of alleged violations, conduct report investigations, up to prosecution if there have been proven violations.

Total Whistleblowing Report

There was no violation that submitted through whistleblowing system. The Company will continue to improve socialization of whistleblowing system to all employees.